Contributors and funding

The Delft AI Cluster (DAIC) - formerly known as INSY-HPC or just plainly HPC- was initiated within the INSY department in 2015. Later, resources were joined with ST, collectively called CS@Delft, and with other departments across faculties in subsequent expansion cycles.

Contributing departments

The cluster is available (only) to users from participating departments, and access can be arranged through the department’s contact persons (see Access and accounts).

Table 1: Current partitions within DAIC and contributing TU Delft departments/faculties.
IDAIC partitionContributorFacultyFaculty abbreviation (English/Dutch)
13dgi3D GeoinformationFaculty of Architecture and the Built EnvironmentABE/BK
3asm Aerospace Structures and MaterialsFaculty of Aerospace EngineeringAE/LR
4Control and Operations
5imphysImaging PhysicsFaculty of Applied SciencesAS/TNW
6corCognitive RoboticsFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringME
7grsGeoscience & Remote SensingFaculty Of Civil Engineering and GeosciencesCEG/CiTG
8influenceIntelligent SystemsFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer ScienceEEMCS/EWI
10stSoftware Technology
11Signal Processing Systems, Microelectronics

Funding sources

In addition to funding received from departmental sources, DAIC has also been financially supported by the following projects and granting sources:


Horizon 2020

Epistemic AI



Last modified February 20, 2025: add prb partition (02f51ad)