Connecting to DAIC

How to connect to DAIC?

SSH access

If you have a valid DAIC account (see Access and accounts), you can access DAIC resources using an SSH client. SSH (Secure SHell) is a protocol that allows you to connect to a remote computer via a secure network connection. SSH supports remote command-line login and remote command execution. SCP (Secure CoPy) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) are file transfer protocols based on SSH (see wikipedia's ssh page ).

Connecting to DAIC from inside and outside TU Delft network

Connecting to DAIC from inside and outside TU Delft network

Access from the TU Delft Network

To connect to DAIC within TU Delft network (ie, via eduram or wired connection), open a command-line interface (prompt, or terminal, see Wikipedia's CLI page ), and run the following command:

$ ssh <YourNetID> # Or
$ ssh             # If your username matches your NetID 

<YourNetID> is your TU Delft NetID. If the username on your machine you are connecting from matches your NetID, you can omit the square brackets and their contents, [<YourNetID>@].

This will log you in into DAIC’s node for now. Note that this setup might change in the future as the system undergoes migration, potentially reducing the number of login nodes..


Once identity confirmed, enter your password when prompted (nothing will be printed as you type your password):

The HPC cluster is restricted to authorized users only.'s password:

Next, a welcome message will be shown:

Last login: Mon Jul 24 18:36:23 2023 from
 #                                                                       #
 # Welcome to login1, login server of the HPC cluster.                   #
 #                                                                       #
 # By using this cluster you agree to the terms and conditions.          #
 #                                                                       #
 # For information about using the HPC cluster, see:                     #
 #                                         #
 #                                                                       #
 # The bulk, group and project shares are available under /, #
 # your windows home share is available under /winhome/$USER/.           #
 #                                                                       #
 18:40:16 up 51 days,  6:53,  9 users,  load average: 0,82, 0,36, 0,53

And, now you can now verify your environment with basic commands:

YourNetID@login1:~$ hostname  # show the current hostname
YourNetID@login1:~$ echo $HOME  # show the path to your home directory
YourNetID@login1:~$ pwd  # show current path
YourNetID@login1:~$ exit  # exit current connection
Connection to closed.

In this example, the user, YourNetID, is logged in via the login node as can be seen from the hostname output. The user has landed in the $HOME directory, as can be seen by printing its value, and checked by the pwd command. Finally, the exit command is used to exit the cluster.

Access from outside university network using a VPN

Direct access to DAIC from outside the university network is blocked by a firewall. Therefore, a VPN is needed

You need to use TU Delft’s EduVPN or OpenVPN (See TU Delft’s Access via VPN recommendations ) to access DAIC directly. Once connected to the VPN, you can ssh to DAIC directly, as in Access from the TU Delft Network.

Simplifying SSH with Configuration Files

To simplify SSH connections, you can store configurations in a file in your local machine. The SSH configuration file can be created (or found, if already exists) in ~/.ssh/config on Linux/Mac systems, or in C:\Users\<YourUserName>\.ssh on Windows.

For example, on a Linux system, you can have the following lines in the configuration file:


Host daic
  HostName # Or any other login node
  User <YourNetID>


  • The Host keyword starts the SSH configuration block and specifies the name (or pattern of names, like daic in this example) to which the configuration entries will apply.
  • The HostName is the actual hostname to log into. Numeric IP addresses are also permitted (both on the command line and in HostName specifications).
  • The User is the login username. This is especially important when the username differs between your machine and the remote server/cluster.

You can then connect to DAIC from inside TU Delft network (or behind TU Delft VPN) by just typing the following command:

$ ssh daic

Efficient SSH Connections with SSH Multiplexing

SSH multiplexing allows you to reuse an existing connection for multiple SSH sessions, reducing the time spent entering your password for every new connection. After the first connection is established, subsequent connections will be much faster since the existing control connection is reused.

To enable SSH multiplexing, add the following lines to your SSH configuration file. Assuming a Linux/Mac system, you can add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config:


Host *
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p


  • The ControlPath specifies where to store the “control socket” for the multiplexed connections. %r refers to the remote login name, %h refers to the target host name, and %p refers to the destination port. This ensures that SSH separates control sockets for different connections.
  • The ControlMaster setting activates multiplexing. With the auto setting, SSH will use an existing master connection if available or create a new one when necessary. This configuration helps streamline SSH connections and reduces the need to enter your password for each new session.

This setup will speed up connections after the first one and reduce the need to repeatedly enter your password for each new SSH session.