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Job submission

How to submit jobs to slurm?

Slurm job’s terminology: job, job step, task and CPUs

A slurm job (submitted via sbatch) can consists of multiple steps in series. Each step (specified via srun) can run multiple tasks (ie programs) in parallel. Each task gets its own set of CPUs. As an example, consider the workflow and corresponding breakdown shown in fig 2.

Slurm job’s terminology

Slurm job’s terminology

In this example, note:

  • When you explicitly request 1 CPU per task (--cpus-per-task=1), you should also explicitly specify the number of tasks (--ntasks). Otherwise, srun may start the task twice in parallel (because CPUs are allocated in multiples of 2)
  • The default slurm allocation is a single task and single CPU (ie --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1). Thus, it is not necessary to explicitly request these to run a single task on a single CPU.
  • When using multiple tasks, specify --mem-per-cpu.

1 - Basics of Slurm jobs

How to submit jobs to the cluster?

Job script

Job scripts are text files, where the header set of directives that specify compute resources, and the remainder is the code that needs to run. All resources and scheduling are specified in the header as #SBATCH directives (see man sbatch for more information). Code could be a set of steps to run in series, or parallel tasks within these steps (see Slurm job’s terminology).

The code snippet below is a template script that can be customized to run jobs on DAIC. A useful tool that can be used to streamline the debugging of such scripts is ShellCheck .


#SBATCH --partition=general # Request partition. Default is 'general' 
#SBATCH --qos=short         # Request Quality of Service. Default is 'short' (maximum run time: 4 hours)
#SBATCH --time=0:01:00      # Request run time (wall-clock). Default is 1 minute
#SBATCH --ntasks=1          # Request number of parallel tasks per job. Default is 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2   # Request number of CPUs (threads) per task. Default is 1 (note: CPUs are always allocated to jobs per 2).
#SBATCH --mem=1024          # Request memory (MB) per node. Default is 1024MB (1GB). For multiple tasks, specify --mem-per-cpu instead
#SBATCH --mail-type=END     # Set mail type to 'END' to receive a mail when the job finishes. 
#SBATCH --output=slurm_%j.out # Set name of output log. %j is the Slurm jobId
#SBATCH --error=slurm_%j.err # Set name of error log. %j is the Slurm jobId

/usr/bin/scontrol show job -d "$SLURM_JOB_ID"  # check sbatch directives are working

#Remaining job commands go below here. For example, to run a Matlab script named "matlab_script.m", uncomment:
#module use /opt/insy/modulefiles # Use DAIC INSY software collection
#module load matlab/R2020b        # Load Matlab 2020b version
#srun matlab < matlab_script.m # Computations should be started with 'srun'.

Job submission

To submit a job script jobscript.sbatch, login to DAIC, and:

  • To only test:
$ sbatch --test-only jobscript.sbatch
Job 1 to start at 2015-06-30T14:00:00 using 2 processors on nodes insy15 in partition general
  • To actually submit the job and do the computations:
$ sbatch jobscript.sbatch
Submitted batch job 2

Using GPU resources

Some DAIC nodes have GPUs of different types, that can be used for various compute purposes (see GPUs).

To request a gpu for a job, use the sbatch directive --gres=gpu[:type][:number], where the optional [:type] and [:number] specify the type and number of the GPUs requested, as in the examples below:

Slurm directives to request gpus for a job

Slurm directives to request gpus for a job

An example batch script with GPU resources

#SBATCH --partition=general # Request partition. Default is 'general' 
#SBATCH --qos=short         # Request Quality of Service. Default is 'short' (maximum run time: 4 hours)
#SBATCH --time=0:01:00      # Request run time (wall-clock). Default is 1 minute
#SBATCH --ntasks=1          # Request number of parallel tasks per job. Default is 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2   # Request number of CPUs (threads) per task. Default is 1 (note: CPUs are always allocated to jobs per 2).
#SBATCH --mem=1024          # Request memory (MB) per node. Default is 1024MB (1GB). For multiple tasks, specify --mem-per-cpu instead
#SBATCH --mail-type=END     # Set mail type to 'END' to receive a mail when the job finishes. 
#SBATCH --output=slurm_%j.out # Set name of output log. %j is the Slurm jobId
#SBATCH --error=slurm_%j.err # Set name of error log. %j is the Slurm jobId

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # Request 1 GPU

# Measure GPU usage of your job (initialization)
previous=$(/usr/bin/nvidia-smi --query-accounted-apps='gpu_utilization,mem_utilization,max_memory_usage,time' --format='csv' | /usr/bin/tail -n '+2') 

/usr/bin/nvidia-smi # Check sbatch settings are working (it should show the GPU that you requested)

# Remaining job commands go below here. For example, to run python code that makes use of GPU resources:

# Uncomment these lines and adapt them to load the software that your job requires
#module use /opt/insy/modulefiles          # Use DAIC INSY software collection
#module load cuda/11.2 cudnn/11.2- # Load certain versions of cuda and cudnn 
#srun python # Computations should be started with 'srun'. For example:

# Measure GPU usage of your job (result)
/usr/bin/nvidia-smi --query-accounted-apps='gpu_utilization,mem_utilization,max_memory_usage,time' --format='csv' | /usr/bin/grep -v -F "$previous"

Similarly, to interactively work in a GPU node:

$ hostname # check you are in one of the login nodes
$ sinteractive --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=500 --time=00:01:00 --gres=gpu:v100:1
Note: interactive sessions are automatically terminated when they reach their time limit (1 hour)!
srun: job 8607665 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 8607665 has been allocated resources
 15:27:18 up 51 days,  3:04,  0 users,  load average: 62,09, 59,43, 44,04
SomeNetID@insy11:~$ hostname # check you are in one of the compute nodes
SomeNetID@insy11:~$ nvidia-smi # check characteristics of GPU
Mon Jul 24 15:37:01 2023       
| NVIDIA-SMI 530.30.02              Driver Version: 530.30.02    CUDA Version: 12.1     |
| GPU  Name                  Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf            Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla V100-SXM2-32GB            On | 00000000:88:00.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   32C    P0               40W / 300W|      0MiB / 32768MiB |      0%      Default |
|                                         |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                            |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                            GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                             Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                           |
SomeNetID@insy11:~$ exit # exit the interactive session

Interactive jobs on compute nodes

To work interactively on a node, e.g., to debug a running code, or test on a GPU, start an interactive session using sinteractve <compute requirements>. If no parameters were provided, the default are applied. <compute requirement> can be specified the same way as sbatch directives within an sbatch script (see Submitting jobs), as in the examples below:

$ hostname # check you are in one of the login nodes
$ sinteractive 
 16:07:20 up 12 days, 4:09, 2 users, load average: 7.06, 7.04, 7.12
$ hostname # check you are in a compute node
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
    2   general  bash SomeNetI  R  1:23      1 insy15  
$ logout # exit the interactive job

To request a node with certain compute requirements:

$ sinteractive --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=4096
 16:07:20 up 12 days, 4:09, 2 users, load average: 7.06, 7.04, 7.12

Monitoring slurm jobs

  • To check your job has actually been submitted:
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
                 2   general  jobscip SomeNetI  R       0:01      1 insy15
  • And to check the log of your job, use an editor or viewer of choice (eg, vi, nano or simply cat) to view the log:
$ cat slurm-2.out
JobId=2 JobName=jobscript.sbatch
   UserId=SomeNetId(123) GroupId=domain users(100513) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=23909774 Nice=0 Account=ewi-insy QOS=short
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:00 TimeLimit=00:01:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2015-06-30T14:00:00 EligibleTime=2015-06-30T14:00:00
   StartTime=2015-06-30T14:00:01 EndTime=2015-06-30T14:01:01 Deadline=N/A
   SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2015-06-30T14:01:01  Scheduler=Main
   Partition=general AllocNode:Sid=login1:2220
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=2 NumTasks=1 CPUs/Task=2 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
     Nodes=insy15 CPU_IDs=26-27 Mem=1024 GRES=
   MinCPUsNode=2 MinMemoryNode=1G MinTmpDiskNode=50M
   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
   Power= MailType=END

Sometimes, it may be desirable to inspect slurm jobs beyond their status in the queue. For example, to check which script was submitted, or how the resources were requested and allocated. Below are a few useful commands for this purpose:

  • See job definition
$  scontrol show job 8580148
JobId=8580148 JobName=jobscript.sbatch
   UserId=SomeNetID(123) GroupId=domain users(100513) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=23721804 Nice=0 Account=ewi-insy QOS=short
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:12 TimeLimit=00:01:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2023-07-10T06:41:57 EligibleTime=2023-07-10T06:41:57
   StartTime=2023-07-10T06:41:58 EndTime=2023-07-10T06:42:58 Deadline=N/A
   SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2023-07-10T06:41:58 Scheduler=Main
   Partition=general AllocNode:Sid=login1:19162
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=2 NumTasks=1 CPUs/Task=2 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
   MinCPUsNode=2 MinMemoryNode=1G MinTmpDiskNode=50M
   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
   Power= MailType=END
  • See statistics of a running job
$ sstat 1
  JobID  AveRSS  AveCPU  NTasks  AveDiskRead AveDiskWrite
------- ------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------
1.0        426K 00:00.0       1        0.52M        0.01M
  • See accounting information of a finished job (also see –long option)
$ sacct -j 8580148
JobID           JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode 
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 
8580148      jobscript+    general   ewi-insy          2  COMPLETED      0:0 
8580148.bat+      batch              ewi-insy          2  COMPLETED      0:0 

See overall job efficiency of a finished job

$ seff 8580148
Job ID: 8580148
Cluster: insy
User/Group: SomeNetID/domain users
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 2
CPU Utilized: 00:00:00
CPU Efficiency: 0.00% of 00:01:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:30
Memory Utilized: 340.00 KB
Memory Efficiency: 0.03% of 1.00 GB

Cancelling jobs

  • And finally, to cancel a given job:
$ scancel <jobID>

2 - Priorities, Partitions, Quality of Service & Reservations

How to submit jobs to slurm?

Slurm’s job scheduling and waiting times

When slurm is not configured for FIFO scheduling, jobs are prioritized in the following order:

  1. Jobs that can preempt: Not enabled in DAIC
  2. Jobs with an advanced reservation: See Slurm's Advanced Resource Reservation Guide
  3. Partition PriorityTier: See Priority tiers
  4. Job priority: See Priority calculations and QoS priority
  5. Job ID

Priority tiers

DAIC partitions are tiered:

  • The general partition is in the lowest priority tier,
  • Department partitions (eg, insy, st) are in the middle priority tier, and
  • Partitions for specific groups (eg, influence, mmll) are in the highest priority tier. Those partitions correspond to resources contributed by the respective groups or departments (see Contributing departments).

When resources become available, the scheduler will first look for jobs in the highest priority partition that those resources are in, and start the highest (user) priority jobs that fit within the resources (if any). When resources remain, the scheduler will check the next lower priority tier, and so on. Finally, the scheduler will try to backfill lower (user) priority jobs that fit (if any).

The partition priorities have no impact on resources that are in use, so jobs have to wait until the resources become available.

Partition selection

The purpose of this tiering is to let you submit your jobs to multiple partitions (e.g., --partition=mml,insy,general), allowing the scheduler to determine where the job can start the soonest. This ensures your job has the highest possible priority across different partitions in the cluster, without negatively impacting your or others’ resource access.

Keep in mind that:

  • Resources of all partitions (eg, st) are also part of the general partition (see Fig 1). Thus:
    • Submitting to the general partition allows jobs to use all nodes
    • Submitting to group-specific partitions alone results in longer waiting times, since the general partition has much more resources than any of them (The bigger the resource pool, the more chances a job has to be scheduled or back-filled)
    • The optimal strategy is to submit to both general and group-specific partitions when accessible. This is to skip over higher-priority jobs that would otherwise get started first on resources that are also in the specific partition.
  • You should only submit jobs to partitions that your account has access to. Submitting jobs to unauthorized partitions (e.g., using --partition=insy,st when your submitting account does not have access to both of these) will result in the job remaining in a pending state and generate excessive logging, potentially overloading the Slurm controller nodes.
Correct: explicit default account and partition specification

#SBATCH --account=ewi-insy-prb
#SBATCH --partition=insy,general
Correct: Implicit default account omitted since it has access to the specified patition

#SBATCH --partition=insy,general
Incorrect: Multiple partitions with account mismatch

#SBATCH --account=ewi-insy-prb
#SBATCH --partition=insy,st  
Incorrect: Specifying a wrong account for the partition

#SBATCH --account=ewi-st
#SBATCH --partition=insy 

Priority calculations

Slurm continually calculates job priorities and schedules the execution of jobs based on its configurations. A few configuration parameters affect priority computations:

  • SchedulerType: The type of scheduling used based on available resources, requested resources, and job priorities. On DAIC, slurm is used with backfill scheduling mechanism. This mechanism allows low priority jobs to backfill idle resources if doing so does not delay the expected start time of any high priority job (based on resource availability).
  • PriorityType: The way priority is computed. On DAIC, a multifactor computation is applied, where job priority at any given time is a weighted sum of the following factors:
    • Fairshare: a measure of the amount of resources that a group (ie account in slurm terminology) has contributed, and the historical usage of the group and the user.
    • QOS: the quality of service associated with the job, which is specified with the slurm --qos directive (see QoS priority).

The following commands are useful for checking prioritization of your own jobs:

sprio -j <YourJobID>Determine the priority of your job
squeue -j <YourJobID> --startRequest your job’s estimated start time
sshare -u <YourNetID>Determine your current fairshare value

QoS priority

The purpose of the (multiple) QoSs in DAIC is to optimize the throughput of the cluster and to reduce the waiting times for jobs:

  • Long jobs block resources for a long time, thus leading to long waiting times and fragmentation of resources.
  • Short jobs block resources only for short times, and can more easily fill in the gaps in the scheduling of resources (thus start sooner), and are therefore better for throughput and waiting times.

Thus, DAIC has the following policy:

  • To stimulate short jobs, the short QoS has a higher priority, and allows you to use a larger part of all resources, than the medium and long QoS.

  • To prevent long jobs from blocking all resources in the cluster for long times (thus causing long waiting times), only a certain part of all cluster resources is available to all running long QoS jobs (of all users) combined.

  • All running medium QoS jobs together can use a somewhat larger part of all resources in the cluster, and all running short QoS jobs combined are allowed to fill the biggest part of the cluster.

    • These limits are called the QoS group limits.
    • When this limit is reached, no new jobs with this QoS can be started, until some of the running jobs with this QoS finish and release some resources.
    • The scheduler will indicate this with the reason QoS Group CPU/memory/GRES limit.
  • To prevent one user from single-handedly using all available resources in a certain QoS, there are also limits for the total resources that all running jobs of one user in a specific QoS can use.

    • These are called the QoS per-user limits.
    • When this limit is reached, no new jobs of this user with this QoS can be started, until some of the running jobs of this user and with this QoS finish and release some resources.
    • The scheduler will indicate this with the reason QoS User CPU/memory/GRES limit.

These per-group and per-user limits are set by the DAIC user board, and the scheduler strictly enforces these limits. Thus, no user can use more resources than the amount that was set by the user board. Any (perceived) imbalance in the use of resources by a certain QoS or user should not be held against a user or the scheduler, but should be discussed in the user board.


In SLURM, a partition is a scheduling construct that groups nodes or resources based on certain characteristics or policies. Partitions are used to organize and manage resources within a cluster, and they allow system administrators to control how jobs are allocated and executed on different nodes.

See partition definitions

On DAIC the scontrol command only shows you the general partitions. More partitions are available.

$ scontrol show partition
   AllowGroups=ALL AllowAccounts=ALL DenyQos=influence
   AllocNodes=login[1-3],oodtest Default=YES QoS=N/A
   DefaultTime=00:01:00 DisableRootJobs=NO ExclusiveUser=NO GraceTime=0 Hidden=NO
   PriorityJobFactor=1 PriorityTier=1 RootOnly=NO ReqResv=NO OverSubscribe=NO
   OverTimeLimit=NONE PreemptMode=OFF
   State=UP TotalCPUs=4064 TotalNodes=59 SelectTypeParameters=NONE
   DefMemPerNode=1024 MaxMemPerNode=UNLIMITED

Quality of Service (QoS)

When you submit a job in a slurm-based system, it enters a queue waiting for resources. The partition and Quality of Service(QoS) are the two job parameters slurm uses to assign resources for a job:

  • The partition is a set of compute nodes on which a job can be scheduled. In DAIC, the nodes contributed or funded by a certain group are lumped into a corresponding partition (see Contributing departments). All nodes in DAIC are part of the general partition, but other partitions exist for prioritization purposes on select nodes (see Priority tiers).
  • The Quality of Service is a set of limits that controls what resources a job can use and, therefore, determines the priority level of a job. This includes the run time, CPU, GPU and memory limits on the given partition. Jobs that exceed these limits are automatically terminated (see QoS priority).

For DAIC, Table 1 shows the QoS limits on the general partition.

Table 1: The general partition and its operational and per-QoS per-user limits; specific groups use other partitions and QoS
*infinite QoS jobs will be killed when servers go down, eg, during maintenance. It is not recommended to submit jobs with this QoS.
PartitionQoSPriorityMax run timeJobs per userCPU limitsGPU limitsMemory limits
Per QoSPer userPer QoSPer userPer QoSPer User
generalinteractivehigh1 hour1 running-2-2-16G
shortnormal4 hours100003672 (85%)2160 (50%)109 (85%)64 (50%)23159G (85%)13623G (50%)
mediummedium1 ½ day20003456 (80%)1512 (35%)103 (80%)45 (35%)21796G (80%)9536G (35%)
longlow7 days10003240 (75%)864 (20%)96 (75%)25 (20%)20434G (75%)5449G (20%)
infinite*noneinfinite1 running32-2-250G-

See Quality of Service definitions

On DAIC you can check the QoS policies with the sacctmgr command:

$ sacctmgr list qos
      Name   Priority  GraceTime    Preempt   PreemptExemptTime PreemptMode                                    Flags UsageThres UsageFactor       GrpTRES   GrpTRESMins GrpTRESRunMin GrpJobs GrpSubmit     GrpWall       MaxTRES MaxTRESPerNode   MaxTRESMins     MaxWall     MaxTRESPU MaxJobsPU MaxSubmitPU     MaxTRESPA MaxJobsPA MaxSubmitPA       MinTRES 
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- 
    normal          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000                                                                                                                                                                                                                cpu=1 
     short         50   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3562,gre+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=2096,gre+                 10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
      long         25   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3144,gre+                                         65536                                                         7-00:00:00 cpu=838,gres+                  1000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
  infinite          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=32,gres/+                                         65536                                                                                          1         100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
interacti+        100   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               2.000000                                                       65536                                                           01:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+         1           1                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
   student         10   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=192,gres+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+         1         100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
reservati+        100   00:00:00                                    cluster          DenyOnLimit,RequiresReservation               1.000000                                                       65536                                                                                                  10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
 influence        100   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000                                                       65536                                                                                                  10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
guest-sho+         10   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=200,gres+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=128,gres+                   100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
guest-long          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=200,gres+                                         65536                                                         7-00:00:00 cpu=128,gres+         1          10                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
    medium         35   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3352,gre+                                         65536                                                         1-12:00:00 cpu=1466,gre+                  2000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 

How to use QoS in your sbatch scripts?

In your sbatch.slurm script you can specify the QoS with #SBATCH --qos=... option.


#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world
#SBATCH --partition=general
#SBATCH --account=ewi-insy-reit
#SBATCH --qos=short               # This is how you specify QoS
#SBATCH --time=0:01:00     
#SBATCH --nodes=1        
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1        
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2        
#SBATCH --mem=1GB                
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%n-%j.out  
#SBATCH --error=slurm-%n-%j.err

srun echo 'Hi, from Slurm!'
sleep 30  # Wait for 30 seconds before exiting.

QoS for reservations

In case you have a reservation you need to specify --qos=reservation and `–reservation=. You can find an example here.

Resources reservations

Slurm gives the possibility to reserve one or more compute nodes exclusively for a specific user or group of users. A reservation ensures that the designated node (or nodes) are dedicated solely to the reservation holder’s tasks and are not shared with other users during the reserved period. This feature allows users to plan the execution of future workloads, and accommodates cluster users with special needs beyond the batch system (eg latency measurement scenarios).

Requesting a Reservation

To request a reservation for nodes, please use to the Request Reservation form. You can request a reservation for an entire compute node (or a group of nodes) if you have contributed this (or these) nodes to the cluster and you have special needs that needs to be accommodated.

General guidelines for reservations’ requests:

  • You can be granted a reservation only on nodes from a partition that is contributed by your group (See Partitions to check the name of the partition contributed by your group, and System specifications for a listing of available nodes and their features).
  • Please ask for the least amount of resources you need as to minimize impact on other users.
  • Plan ahead and request your reservation as soon as possible: Reservations usually ignore running jobs, so any running job on the machine(s) you request will continue to run when the reservation starts. While jobs from other users will not start on the reserved node(s), the resources in use by an already running job at the start time of the reservation will not be available in the reservation until this running job ends. The earlier ahead you request resources, the easier it is to allocate the requested resources.

Using reservations

Once your reservation request is approved and a reservation is placed on the system, you can run your jobs in the reservation by specifying --qos=reservation along with the following directives to your slurm commands: --reservation=<name> and --partition=<partition>. For example, to submit the job job.sbatch to a reservation named icra_iv on the cor1 node on the cor partition use:

$ sbatch --qos=reservation --reservation=icra_iv --partition=cor job.sbatch

Alternatively, it is possible to add the following lines to the job.sbatch file, and submitting this file as usual:

#SBATCH --qos=reservation
#SBATCH --reservation=icra_iv
#SBATCH --partition=cor

To make use of an existing reservation you have to specify --qos=reservation and --reservation=<reservation-name> in your sbatch script.

Viewing reservations

To view all active and future reservations run the scontrol command as follows:

$ scontrol show reservations
ReservationName=icra_iv StartTime=2023-09-09T00:00:00 EndTime=2023-09-16T00:00:00 Duration=7-00:00:00
   Nodes=cor1 NodeCnt=1 CoreCnt=32 Features=(null) PartitionName=cor Flags=
   Users=(null) Groups=(null) Accounts=3me-cor Licenses=(null) State=ACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

ReservationName=maintenance weekend 2023-10-14 StartTime=2023-10-13T20:00:00 EndTime=2023-10-16T09:00:00 Duration=2-13:00:00
   Nodes=3dgi[1-2],100plus,awi[01-26],cor1,gpu[01-11],grs[1-4],influ[1-6],insy[11-12,14-16],tbm5,wis1 NodeCnt=58 CoreCnt=2000 Features=(null) PartitionName=(null) Flags=MAINT,IGNORE_JOBS,SPEC_NODES,ALL_NODES
   Users=root Groups=(null) Accounts=(null) Licenses=(null) State=INACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

3 - Advanced Slurm jobs

How to submit jobs to slurm?

Parallelizing jobs with Job Arrays

There can be scenarios, eg in simulations or benchmarking, where a job script needs to run many times with only different parameter set each time. If done manually, keeping track of the parameter values and corresponding jobIds is cumbersome. Job Arrays are a convenient mechanism for submitting and managing such jobs.

A job array is created by adding the --array=<indexes> directive to an sbatch script (or in the command line), where <indexes> can be either a comma separated list of integers, or a range with optional step size, eg, 1-10:2. The minimum index value is 0, and the maximum is a Slurm configuration parameter (MaxArraySize - 1).

Within a job array, all jobs have the same SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID, but each job will have its own environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID that corresponds to the array index value. Additionally, all jobs in the array inherit the same compute resources requirements. In the following examples, arrays of size 2 are created, but with different indexes:

$ sbatch --array=1,4 jobscript.sbatch # Indexes specified as a list, and have values 1 and 4
Submitted batch job 8580151
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
         8580151_1   general jobscrip SomeNetID  R       0:01      1 grs4
         8580151_4   general jobscrip SomeNetID  R       0:01      1 awi18
$ sbatch --array=1-2 jobscript.sbatch  # Range specified with default step size = 1. Index have values 1 and 2
Submitted batch job 8580149
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
         8580149_1   general jobscrip SomeNetID  R       0:21      1 grs4
         8580149_2   general jobscrip SomeNetID  R       0:21      1 awi18

JobId and environment variables

As shown in the previous section, Parallelizing jobs with job arrays, jobs within an array are assigned special slurm variables. These variables can be exploited for various computational objectives. Among these, SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID is the index of an individual task within the array, and SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID is the slurm jobId of the entire array job.

In the simplest case, you can use the ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} directly in a script to assign parameter values. For example, to run a workflow across a set of images image_1.pngimage_5.png, you can simply create an array using the sbatch directive --array=1-5, and then, within your sbatch script, use image_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.png to indicate the corresponding image.

In more complex scenarios, eg, when the parameters of interest are not mappable to indexes (of a job array), you can use a config file to map the parameters to the job array indexes. For example, let’s assume the following parameters:

$ cat jobarray.config
i       Flower  Color   Origin  
1       Rose    Red     Worldwide
2       Jasmine  White   Asia
3       Tulip   Various Persia&Turkey
4       Orchid  Various Worldwide
5       Lily    Various Worldwide

Now, you can use these parameters inside a job script as follows:

$ cat jobarray.sbatch
#SBATCH --job-name=JobArrayExample
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --array=1-5             # Arry with 5 tasks
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%A_%a.out # Set name of output log. %A is SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID and %a is SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
#SBATCH --error=slurm-%A_%a.err  # Set name of error log. %A is SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID and %a is SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

config=jobarray.config          # Path to config file

# Obtain parameters from config file:
flower=$(awk -v ArrayTaskID=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID '$1==ArrayTaskID {print $2}' $config)
color=$(awk -v ArrayTaskID=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID '$1==ArrayTaskID {print $3}' $config)
origin=$(awk -v ArrayTaskID=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID '$1==ArrayTaskID {print $4}' $config)

# Use the parameters, eg, print the index and parameter values to a file:
echo "Array task: ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID},  Flower: ${flower}, color: ${color}, origin: ${origin}" >> output.txt

$ sbatch jobArray.sbatch
Submitted batch job 8580317
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
     8580317_[1-5]   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)     

In this example, slurm created 5 jobs in a job array, each using the same settings (the name JobArrayExample, the general partition, short QoS, 00:01:00 time, 1 task with 1 CPU and 1G memory, and an output and error file with both array job Id and task id). Each task looks up certain parameter values from a config file leveraging its index via the awk command.

Jobs within a task array are run in parallel, and hence, there’s no guarantee about their order of execution. This is evident looking at the output file from this example:

$ cat output.txt
Array task: 2,  Flower: Jasmine, color: White, origin: Asia
Array task: 3,  Flower: Tulip, color: Various, origin: Persia&Turkey
Array task: 1,  Flower: Rose, color: Red, origin: Worldwide
Array task: 5,  Flower: Lily, color: Various, origin: Worldwide
Array task: 4,  Flower: Orchid, color: Various, origin: Worldwide

Other slurm variables that are set inside a job array are shown in the following table, with values based on the preceding example:

Slurm Environment VariableDescriptionValue in example
SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_IDThe first job ID of the array.8580317
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_IDThe job array index value.A value in range 1-5
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNTThe number of tasks in the job array.5
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAXThe highest job array index value.5
SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MINThe lowest job array index value1

Slurm commands and job arrays

The squeue command reports all submitted jobs. By default, squeue reports all of the tasks associated with a job array in one line and uses a regular expression to indicate the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID values. To explicitly print one job array element per line, use the --array or -r flag. The following examples highlight the difference, using the same jobarray.sbatch file from the JobId and environment variables section:

$ sbatch jobarray.sbatch 
Submitted batch job 8593299
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
     8593299_[1-5]   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
$ squeue -r -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
         8593299_1   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
         8593299_2   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
         8593299_3   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
         8593299_4   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
         8593299_5   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

scancel, on the other hand, can be used to cancel an entire job array by specifying its SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID. Alternatively, to cancel a specific task (or tasks), both its SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID and SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID must be specified, possibly with a regular expression, as shown in the following examples:

$ sbatch jobarray.sbatch
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
     8593321_[1-5]   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
$ scancel 8593321_4     # Cancel task with index 4 in the array
$ squeue -u SomeNetID   # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
   8593321_[1-3,5]   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
$ scancel 8593321_[1-3] # Cancel tasks in index range 1-3 in the array
$ squeue -u SomeNetID   # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 
         8593321_5   general JobArray SomeNetID PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
$ scancel 8593321       # Cancel all tasks in the array
$ squeue -u SomeNetID  # Replace SomeNetId with your NetID 

Deploying dependent jobs (job chains)

In certain scenarios, it might be desirable to condition the execution of a certain job on the status of another job. In such cases, the sbatch directive --dependency=<condition>:<jobID> can be used, where <condition> specifies the type of dependency (See table 2), and <jobID> is the slurm jobID upon which dependency is based. To specify more than one dependency, the , separator is used to indicate that all dependencies must be specified, and, ? is used denotes that any dependency may be satisfied.

For example, assume the slurm job scripts, job_1.sbatch, … job_3.sbatch need to run sequentially one after the other. To start this chain, submit the first job and obtain its jobID:

$ sbatch job_1.sbatch
Submitted batch job 8580135

Next, submit the second job to run only if the first job is successful:

$ sbatch --dependency=afterok:8580135 job_2.sbatch
Submitted batch job 8580136

And, now, to run the third job only after the first two jobs have both run successfully:

$ sbatch --dependency=afterok:8580135,8580136 job_3.sbatch
Submitted batch job 8580140

Alternatively, if the third job is dependent on either job running successfully:

$ sbatch --dependency=afterok:8580135?8580136 job_3.sbatch
Submitted batch job 8580141
Table 2: Possible sbatch dependency conditions
afterThis job can begin execution after the specified jobs have begun execution
afteranyThis job can begin execution after the specified jobs have terminated.
aftercorrA task of this job array can begin execution after the corresponding task ID in the specified job has completed successfully
afternotokThis job can begin execution after the specified jobs have terminated in some failed state
afterokThis job can begin execution after the specified jobs have successfully executed
singletonThis job can begin execution after any previously launched jobs sharing the same job name and user have terminated

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Please see the Frequently asked questions on Scheduler problems and Job resources

4 - Kerberos

How to submit jobs to slurm?

Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos is an authentication protocol which uses tickets to authenticate users (and computers). You automatically get a ticket when you log in with your password on a TU Delft installed computer. You can use this ticket to authenticate yourself without password when connecting to other computers or accessing your files. To protect you from misuse, the ticket expires after 10 hours or less (even when you’re still logged in).

File access

Your Linux and Windows Home directories and the Group and Project shares are located on network fileservers, which allows you to access your files from all TU Delft installed computers. Kerberos authentication is used to enable access to, or protect, your files. Without a valid Kerberos ticket (e.g. when the ticket has expired) you will not be able to access your files but instead you will receive a Permission denied error.

Lifetime of Kerberos Tickets

Kerberos tickets have a limited valid lifetime (of up to 10 hours) to reduce the risk of abuse, even when you stay logged in. If your tickets expire, you will receive a Permission Denied error when you try to access your files and a password prompt when you try to connect to another computer. When you want your program to be able to access your files for longer than the valid ticket lifetime, you’ll have to renew your ticket (repeatedly) until your program is done. Kerberos tickets can be renewed up to a maximum renewable life period of 7 days (again to reduce the risk of abuse).

The command klist -5 lists your cached Kerberos tickets together with their expiration time and maximum renewal time:

$ klist -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_uid_random
Default principal: YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/01/01 00:00:00  01/01/01 10:00:00  krbtgt/TUDELFT.NET@TUDELFT.NET
        renew until 01/08/01 00:00:00


  • Ticket cache: The Kerberos tickets that have been issued to you are stored in a ticket cache file. You can have multiple ticket cache files on the same computer (from different connections, for example) with different tickets and ticket expiration times. Some ticket cache files are automatically removed when you logout.

  • Default principal: Your identity.

  • Service principal: The identity of services that you have gotten tickets for. You always need a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (krbtgt) in order to obtain other tickets for specific services like accessing files (nfs) or connecting to computers (host).

  • Valid starting, Expires: Your ticket is only valid between these times (this period is called the valid lifetime). After this time you will not be able to use the service nor automatically renew the ticket (without password).

  • Renew until: Your ticket can only be renewed without password up to this time. After this time you will have to obtain a new ticket using your password.

Renewing Kerberos tickets

If you have a valid Kerberos krbtgt ticket, you can renew it at any time (until it expires) by running the command kinit -R:

$ kinit -R
$ klist -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_uid_random
Default principal: YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/01/01 01:00:00  01/01/01 11:00:00  krbtgt/TUDELFT.NET@TUDELFT.NET
        renew until 01/08/01 00:00:00

When the krbtgt ticket has expired or reached it’s renew until time, you will have to obtain a new ticket by running kinit -r 7d (note the difference in case for the r) and authenticating with your password:

$ kinit -r 7d
Password for YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET:
$ klist -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_uid_random
Default principal: YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/01/01 11:00:00  01/01/01 21:00:00  krbtgt/TUDELFT.NET@TUDELFT.NET
        renew until 01/08/01 11:00:00

The new ticket will have a valid lifetime of 10 hours and a renewable life of 7 days.

On the TU Delft Linux desktops your Kerberos ticket is refreshed (i.e. replaced by a new ticket) automatically every time you enter your password for unlocking the screen saver.

On remote computers you have to manually renew your tickets before they expire.

Slurm & Kerberos

  • Slurm caches your Kerberos ticket, and uses it to execute your job
  • Regularly renew the ticket in Slurm’s cache while your jobs are queued or running:
$ auks -a
Auks API request succeed
  • To automatically renew your ticket in Slurm’s cache until you change your NetID password, run the following on the login1 node:
$ install_keytab
Password for somebody@TUDELFT.NET:
Installed keytab.

You need to rerun this command whenever you change your NetID password (at least every 6 months). Otherwise, the automatic renewal will not work and you will receive a warning e-mail.

Renewal using screen

On the compute nodes, the screen program has been modified to allow jobs to run unattended for up to 7 days. It creates a private ticket cache (to prevent the cache from being destroyed at logout) and automatically renews your ticket up to the maximum renewable life. For example, start MATLAB in Screen with screen matlab (the order is important!).

$ screen matlab
Warning: No display specified.  You will not be able to display graphics on the screen.

                           < M A T L A B (R) >
                 Copyright 1984-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
              Version (R2010b) 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             August 16, 2010

  To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
  For product information, visit


For longer jobs you have to manually obtain a new ticket at least every 7 days by running kinit -r 7d from within screen (so you use the specific ticket cache file that screen is using):

  1. connect to screen (screen -r),
  2. create a new window (Ctrl-a c),
  3. run kinit -r 7d,
  4. exit the window (exit) and
  5. detach from screen (Ctrl-a d).
$ kinit -r 7d
Password for YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET:
$ klist -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_uid_private
Default principal: YourNetID@TUDELFT.NET

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
01/08/01 09:00:00  01/08/01 19:00:00  krbtgt/TUDELFT.NET@TUDELFT.NET
        renew until 01/15/01 09:00:00
$ exit

Extra functionality can be provided by the k5start and krenew programs. On most computers these are not available by default but can be installed.